Horse Manure

£89.80 inc. VAT

Main Benefits

  • Super easy to use and spread
  • No weeds, seeds, pests or pathogens
  • Horse manure compost contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, making it ideal for use as a soil conditioner, planting and as a surface mulch.
  • Full of organic matter which makes a perfect soil improver
  • Increases the level of rich organic material in your soil
  • Increases the level of nutrients in your soil
  • Perfect for mulching roses

Our Horse Manure is made from Race Horse manure, horses are fed on a controlled diet.

On the checkout page the customer can choose their preferred delivery date and enter additional instructions for the delivery driver.




Our Horse manure is produced from stables that use wood shavings for bedding and horses that are fed on a controlled diet. The manure is turned and shredded into a easy to use soil conditioner. It will add nutrients, improves fertility and yields. It will help to improve soil structure and its workability as well as enhancing water holding capacity of the soil.

For Best Results

  • We recommend spreading a 50mm layer of horse manure over the area to be treated, before forking or rotavating it into the soil.

Size of Bulk Bag and Coverage

Size: Bulk Bag (75cm x 85cm x 95cm) 0.6 of a Cubic Metre or 600 litres

Sold by the bulk bag.

Delivery Information

Oakley’s Horse Manure is delivered in large bulk bags which are either craned off our lorry or lifted using a forklift “moffett” on to your property. Bags will be positioned as close to your garden as the driver can safely do so. Bulk Bags are a great way of reducing the mess created by having soil delivered loose. Please note, we group our deliveries together by size and location so we can not always guarantee you will receive your delivery by a crane or forklift. If you have a specific delivery requirement please contact us when you place your order.

We deliver to gardens, allotments and development sites throughout Essex and Suffolk. If you are just outside of our delivery area please contact our office on 01255 886096 to see if delivery is possible.

Large Bulk deliveries are available of this product. Please contact our office on 01255 886096 for more details.

Size: Bulk Bag (75cm x 85cm x 95cm) 0.6 of a Cubic Metre or 600 litres