Planters Delivery and Returns

How long does delivery take?
  • Orders will be made and dispatched by our suppliers in 5-7 working days. The courier will contact you direct with your delivery date. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your delivery via
  • Please note – that all products will be delivered to the address that you specify in your order. It is important that the address provided is correct.
Delivery charges?
  • Delivery is included in the price of the planters, there is no additional delivery charge for the planters at the checkout.
Can I cancel my order / return my goods?
  • If you wish to cancel your order please  contact us ASAP via If your order has not been dispatched then this can be done for you immediately.
My order has arrived damaged what should I do?
  • If your items arrived damaged, if possible please do not accept the delivery. If this is not possible please send us a picture of the damage to

Why doesn’t the website allow me to order other products such as compost with my planter?

  • This is because you are out of our local delivery postcode of Essex and Suffolk.
  • Our suppliers deliver the planters to our customers direct.

My postcode is in your normal delivery area of Essex and Suffolk why can’t the planters arrive the same day as my bulk bag or turf?

  • This is because the planters are currently not held in stock on our premises, they are made and shipped directly by our suppliers.