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How can knowing the pH level of your soil help with your gardening?

How can knowing the pH level of your soil help with your gardening?


How can knowing the pH level of your soil help with your gardening?

It might not be something you’ve ever thought about!

Or at least not since testing with litmus paper in Science lessons!


But if you like your grass to look fresh and green it’s a handy thing to know and keep track of!


As a quick reminder:

pH 1 = acid

pH 7 = neutral

pH 14 = alkaline

Why do you need to know this?

When it comes to having healthy grass, the ideal soil pH level is between 5.5 and 7-8, with around 6.5 being preferable.

Grasses such as our Family Garden Turf prefer the lower level of around 5.5.

This grass is a combination of the finest bents, fescues and durable dwarf rye.


While our Ornamental Garden Turf would prefer a pH of around 6.5.

This grass contains fine fescues, bents and smooth stalked meadow grass.

As our turf is locally grown, it’s suitable for local soil types.


A neutral pH level is ideal for nutrients too.

Grass loses nutrients from lots of use and when we mow it.

So it’s a good idea to apply Lawn Dressing regularly to top up the nutrients and keep the grass in good condition.


Unlike grasses, plants like pH levels from one end of the scale to the other!

Some do well in acidic soil and others prefer alkaline.

You may have different plants that have similar coloured blooms i.e. purples and pinks. This can be caused by the pH level of your soil.

How do you test the pH level?

You can buy pH testers and find the level yourself, or you can have a soil analysis carried out.

If the pH level falls on either side of the ideal, you may want to adjust it to keep your grass as healthy as possible.

So how do you adjust the pH level?

If you need to adjust the pH level drastically, it’s best to call in professionals.

They will carry out soil analysis and give you expert advice.


But for smaller adjustments, it’s easy to do yourself.


Adding sulphur (Ferrous Sulphate) will add more acidity to the soil (lowering the pH level).

Adding limestone will give the soil more alkaline (raising the pH level).


Right, who’s off to buy a pH tester?!


Happy Gardening!